Karachi case

Expertise involved: Criminal Law

In a case long defended by Vincent Courcelle-Labrousse, the Criminal Division of the Court of Cassation issued a favorable judgment on October 15, 2024 (No. 23-83.578) that deserves to be reported. The Court of Cassation validated the judgment of the Investigation Division of the Paris Court of Appeal that had annulled the indictment for involuntary manslaughter and injury of our partner’s client, who was accused, in substance, after the car bomb attack in Karachi on May 8, 2002 against a Pakistani Navy bus transporting DCN personnel, of having underestimated the terrorist threat in Pakistan at the time. Vincent Courcelle-Labrousse commented for AFP: “This decision marks the end of a long and unfair procedure against my client, who was accused by the courts of not having anticipated the commission of a suicide attack, the perpetrators and sponsors of which were not identified, and while the protection of personnel on site was the responsibility of the Pakistani army. We had no doubt about the fate that a court would have given to such a judicial aberration.”